Practicing Golf Shots
Always pick a target and put some kind of obstacle in front of you. Practice with the discount golf clubs in front of you or 100 yards away with the imaginary green behind it, if you have no access to a practice green. Try to keep the golf ball from flying into the tree, or make the ball land just before and roll beyond onto your imaginary target or green. You will have to use your imagination for this shot and practice with several different discount golf clubs face positions. You need to practice playing the ball in front, middle, or back in your stance.
If you're a substantial distance from the green you may want to practice going around the tree. Close the clubface to help it hook, or open the face of the discount golf clubs to help slice it around the tree. There are a lot of good professional teachers, books and videos on the Internet to help you master the hook and slice effect of the ball at will. ishiner